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Oxymetholone has the advantages that it can be given orally and it seems to exhibit higher anabolic activity and lower androgenic effects than testosterone (13)(Figure ) (12) but, as noted earlier, it also induces hyperandrogenism (14). It is very difficult to determine whether the use of estrogens is essential to this drug's action because testosterone itself is also available orally. In the case of the cyperidine and tauroline products, the doses to which they are administered also differ; these are the only medications which have been shown to be effective in reversing these symptoms and to enhance the anabolic effects. In the case of tauroline (50 mg or 200 mg, respectively) only one study has been done (15), suggesting that the dose that is most effective may be the minimum dose prescribed. The other medications that have been used for a long time and are well-known are raloxifene (10 mg or 25 mg or 500 mg or 250 mg) and prazosin. There does not appear to be any reliable evidence which indicates that these drugs could be used to augment anabolic effects induced by either testosterone or estrogens. When used with testosterone, the benefits from the drugs appear to diminish over time, whereas when used with estrogens, the effectiveness of these drugs appears to continue over the longer term. In general, studies which demonstrate benefits of drugs in this area appear to be performed in women. It would appear that testosterone and estrogens should be considered complementary agents not interchangeable by themselves. This should not be interpreted as implying a lack of concern about whether the two drugs are effective to achieve the same outcome, just that they should be considered separately, depending upon the treatment goal. A number of studies have examined the effects of these medications on the body's ability to remove testosterone. Only one study has been done (16), showing that the drug lisdexamfetamine dimesylate decreases circulating levels of androgenic androgen levels but increases progesterone levels; this drug is also approved for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. In the case of tauroline, the study (16) measured testosterone levels after 20-week treatment; this was the maximum period that testosterone metabolites could be seen in the body and the same period that estradiol could be seen in the blood. In the case of raloxifene, the study is more recent and compared changes in serum levels of testosterone, estradiol, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and progesterone in the presence of ralox Similar articles: